Associate Professor Susannah Verney presented a paper entitled 'Is the Storm Over? Popular Euroscepticism in Southern Europe in the aftermath of the Eurozone crisis' at the Political Studies Association conference, Nottingham Trent University.
Associate Professor Susannah Verney gave a presentation on ‘Public Opinion, The European Parliament and the European Elections’ at a seminar in Greek and in English on the occasion of the upcoming European elections under the title "Training for Journalists: The Fundamentals of the European Union" co-organized the European Law and Governance...
Professor Dimitris A. Sotiropoulos gave a lecture at the University of Michigan, on the reforms in Public Policy and the Institutional Changes that were made in Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain during and after the Economic Crisis.
Doussis E (2019) 'Nuances de gris: les conditionnalités du FMI et les droits de l’homme'. In Titi C. (ed.) Droits de l'homme et droit international économique (Brussels: Bruylant), pp. 341-362.
Doussis Ε (2019) 'The external environmental action and the example of climate change'. In Blavoukos S, Bourantonis D, Tsakonas P (eds.) EU External Relations (Athens: I. Sideris Publications), pp. 303-320 (in Greek).
Aris Constantinides, Associate Professor of International Law and Human Rights, University of Cyprus gave a guest lecture on “The Cyprus problem and the uneasy quest for a federal settlement”