Refugee and Migration Hub

Professor Emmanuella Doussis, Director of the Master's Programme in "Southeast European Studies: Politics, History, Economics" participated in the launch event of the Refugee and Migration Hub, a collaboration between the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Harvard. The two institutions will launch their first common activity this summer with the Summer School on Refugee and Migration Studies, an intensive three-week training that will combine lectures, seminars, interactive class sessions and fieldwork. It will be held in three sites -Athens, Nafplion and the island of Lesvos- two of which play a significant role in the management of distress migration in Greece and Europe as a whole. The aim of this activity is to enable students to develop a thorough and multidisciplinary understanding of the key legal, political, medical and communication aspects of existing regional migratory flows and patterns. From the global architecture of contemporary migration to emerging conceptual and policy challenges, legal frameworks and state practice, the role of public health in forced migration settings, the role of media, to the role of NGOs and host community solidarity in driving migration policies. Distinguished academics, researchers, and practitioners will shed light on these issues, while the students will have the opportunity to interact with local human rights organizations and discuss challenges and practices from the field.

Professor Doussis is a member of the coordinating committee of the newly established Refugee and Migration Hub.